Thursday, December 16, 2010


i ch00se this picture beacuse it seemed t0 fit the p0em L0ST B0Y....the reas0n why is because he l00ks like hes l0st and d0sent kn0w were he is.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


What i thought about the movie Helvetica was that it was intresting but at the same time boring but some thing that intrest me the most is that there is always the same writting style everywhere we go and that is true there is

Friday, September 24, 2010


Manuel Alvarez Bravo  was born feb.4 1902 in mexico city.
his fotographs represented a hieght of mexican people during the late 1930's and 40's.
he droped out of school when he was 13 and begain working in a goverment office he studied paintings and music for several months at the national acadamy of fine arts.
he worked as a clerk to support himself he showed more and more intreset in art.One of his family friend showed him basic fotograhy .he ended up buying his own and was lucky that some of the best eurapeon fotographers tought him also .
When alvarez was 21 he met hugo Brehme and aslo thought him some techniqs .alvarez also took some pictures of the famous mexican female artist frida kahlo. alvarez loved taking picture he died by fulfilling his dream.alvarez traveled all over the world taking pictures of what he saw n loved  .eventually manuel died in oct.19 2002

This is one of manuel alvarez bravo's picture he took it in mexico city.